Travel tips to Kutch/Bhuj in Gujarat

Location of Kutch

Kutch is a district of the state of Gujarat, located between the latitude 23.13°-24.68° N and longitude 68.10°-71.80° E on the West coast of India. It covers an area of about 45,612 sq  km, and has length and width extensions of 320 and 170 kms, respectively. It is bound by the Great Rann of  Kutch on the North with  Pakistan  beyond it, whereas on the East by the Little Rann of Kutch, on the South by the Gulf of Kutch and on the West by the Arabian Sea. This region has a typical geography like range of hills and isolated peaks by rugged and deeply cut river-beds, well tilled  valleys and tracts of rich pasture land

A few tips for tourists to Kutch

  • Gujarat and the area djoining Kutch is generally safe and stable and also crime free.
  • Nights and early mornings can be very cold with icy winds where temperatures can plumet to 5-6 degrees so carry woolens as well as hats, shoes, etc. The days are warm enough and pleasant. 
  • Wear clothes that match the colour of the sorroundings, preferably earthy hues so that you blend with the nature and dont distract the animals.
  • Dont forget your sunscreens, hat, shoes, water, sun glasses and some energy giving foods like dry fruits or biscuits
  • Mostly birds and animals can be spotted only at a distance so it is better to carry a good pair of binoculars for spotting and a good zoom lens to catch pics.
  • Being very remote places carry any essential medicines with you.

Know a little about the Great Indian Bustard

Indian Bustard A. nigriceps, popularly known as the Great Indian Bustard (GIB), is one of the critically endangered birds in the world. Though the former range of this bird extended to parts of Pakistan, today a major population survives only in India. An important breeding population of over 30 birds exists in the district of Kutch, Gujarat. Abdasa taluka of Kutch has the perfect habitat required by the Bustards. Abdasa is the only taluka in Gujarat where one can see three different species of Bustards  – Indian Bustard A. nigriceps,  Lesser Florican Sypheotides indica and MacQueen’s Bustard Chlamydotis macqueenii.

Know Kutch more
Kutch is the largest district in the state of Gujarat and is the second largest district in India.

The land of Kutch is virtually an island because it is surrounded by sea water.  The shape of the land actually looks like a tortoise or a “Kachbo”, that is also where the name of kutchwas derived, is from the word “kachbo”.

It is divided into 5 distinct regions:
  • The Great Rann, or uninhabited wasteland in the north
  • The Grasslands of Banni
  • Mainland, consisting of planes hills and dry riverbeds
  • The coastline along the Arabian sea in the south
  • Creeks and mangroves in the west

The highest hill in Kutch is 1515 feet high and in present days is a tourist attraction (Kala Dungar).  Thousands of years ago the land of Kutch was at the sea bed and due to activities of the crust of the earth, the land emerged above the sea.

Kutch is the home of the last remaining population of Khur (donkey) in India. There is also a bird population, particularly of  flamingoes. Both are protected in 5,000 km Little Rann Sanctuary, near Dhangadhra; one has to get permission to enter from the sanctuary superintendents office in Dhangadhra.

Kutch’s desert (RANN) are quite unique for the fact that it doesn’t have sand.  It is a desert where the land is full of salt and stones, and the land is
also smooth and dry.

The water from the Bay of Kutch and sea water from the channel of Kari mix with the rainwater and when it dries the salt from the water covers the land. The salt in the land attracts moisture from the atmosphere and that makes the surface smooth and full of moisture.  That is the reason that the land here stays hard even in the hard summer days.

Extreme climate and temperature ranges from 20 degrees celcius in winter to 45 degrees celsius in summer.  Annual rainfall reaches up to 14 inches.
There are three main seasons:
  • Summer, from February to June
  • Monsoon season, from July to September
  • Winter, from October to January

The Major cities of Kutch:
  1. Bhuj
  2. Anjar
  3. Mandvi
  4. Abdasa-Nalia
  5. Lakhpat
  6. Rapar
  7. Bhachau
  8. Nakhatrana

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The White Sands of Kutch (Gujarat)
Location - Gujarat in India
Ideal time to Visit - October to March
No of Days Reqd to see Gujarat - 7-10 days
Road Travel Information to Gujarat
Photo tour of Bhuj/Kutch
Places to See in Kutch/Bhuj - click here